Thursday, 13 March 2014

JAC Circular

17/2 – C, P & T Quarters, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi: - 110001

No: JAC/ Circular-5/2014                                                                                      Date: 12th March, 2014

            Chief Executive of Constituent Organizations &
            Conveners, local JACs

Dear Comrades,


            We are sure, all of you have received the JAC Circular No. 4 dated 15th February 2014 and learnt about the outcome of the discussion held with the Jt. Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance on 14th February 2014. It was already indicated clearly in the said Circular itself that, we shall have to go ahead with our programmatic approach with all seriousness to create compulsion on the Government to concede our long pending demands.

            In the Joint National Executive meeting of the constituents of apex JAC held on 11th January 2014 in Delhi, it was decided to organize phased programmes till we meet in the National Convention in June/July 2014.

            In pursuance of the decisions of the above mentioned Joint National Executive meeting, the call for one day Unit/Branch wise Dharna on 29th January 2014 was given. Many units and Branches of different constituents had implemented the call seriously and there was enthusiasm among the rank and file membership.

The next course of action being station wise joint Dharna by local Branches and Units of the constituents at every station under the Banner of local JAC, it has been decided that the programme shall be held on 26th March 2014. In order to implement the programme successfully, all local constituents of JAC are requested to take following steps:-

Step 1.   Hold a Joint meeting of the representatives of constituents of JAC immediately after the receipt of this Circular.

               If the local JAC in non-functional, the Chief Executives of the local  constituents shall come in  touch with each other and constitute JAC immediately.

Step 2. The local JAC shall decide the venue of Dharna. It shall also take all other measures necessary to make the Dharna successful.

Step 3. The local JAC shall hold General body/Gate/activists meeting in all offices/constituents and appraise  the members about issues  and also  the decision of JAC to hold the Dharna.

Step 4. Local JAC shall organize the Dharna on 26th March 2014 in a centrally located place. Leaders of COCs and other fraternal organization to be invited to address the meeting. The lunch hour meeting shall also pass the following resolutions and  forward those  to all concerned.      

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

(V. Bhattacharjee)


          The lunch hour meeting of the Accounts and Audit Employees & Officers held today the 26th March, 2014 at (…………………Name of Station)under the aspices of the local JAC of Accounts & Audit Employees & Offices Organization (……………………….Name of Station) as a part of the Joint Day long Dharna, reviewed the outcome of the discussion held on 14th February 2014 between the Joint Secretary (Personnel), Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the staff side members of the National Anomaly Committee and representatives of apex JAC on item 28 of National Anomaly Committee. The meeting observed with great concern that the official side is not inclined to hold a meaningful discussion and settle the long pending issues, which is untenable.
            The meeting therefore, urges upon the Government of India to discuss the pending items with the representatives of staff side/apex JAC and settle them across the table without further delay.
The meeting resolves to forward the resolution to:-
1.      Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi.
2.      Secretary Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi.
3.      All heads of organizations of Accounts & Audit Departments.
4.      Convener, apex level Joint Action Committee of Accounts and Audit Employees & Officers Organizations, New Delhi.

President of the

            This lunch hour meeting of the Accounts and Audit Employees & Officers held today the 26th March, 2014 at (…………………Name of Station)….under the aspices of the local JAC of Accounts & Audit Employees & Offices Organization (……………………….Name of Station) as a part of the Joint Day long Dharna  expressed its strongest resentment against the indifferent attitude of the Government of India towards the following demands the Accounts & Audit Employees & Officers –

1.      Payment of arrears of Pay from 1st Jan 1996 to 18th Feb 2003 as directed by Courts to Accounts & Audit cadres.
2.      i) Upgradation of LDC as Accounts/Audit Assistant and merger of Accountant/ Auditor and Senior Accountant/Auditor.
ii) Granting following pay scales to Accounts & Audit Cadres
                                                Accounts/ Audit Asstt - GP 2400. PB 1
                                                SA/PA                         - GP 4600, PB2
                                                AAO/Sr.PA                  - GP 5400, PB2
                                                AO                               - GP 6600, PB3
                                                SAO                             - GP 7600, PB4
iii) Granting MACP on departmental hierarchy basis
iv) Granting one increment and Grade pay of Rs: - 5400 from the day of passing AAO/SOG examination
  v) Granting three increments on passing departmental confirmatory examination.
3. Implementation of Arbitration Awards
            The meeting urges upon the Government of India to open up dialogue with the representatives of the apex level Joint Action Committee settle the issues at the earliest.

            The meeting is constraint in covey to the Government that if the Government of India ignores the request of the Accounts and Audit Employees & Officers, the employees officers of Accounts & Audit Departments shall be forced to resort to higher form of action programmes.

The meeting resolves to forward the resolution to:-
1.      the Secretary Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
2.      All Heads of the Departments/Organizations of Accounts & Audit Departments.
3.      Convener, apex level Joint Action Committee of Accounts & Audit Employees and Officers Organizations.                                                                                 

President of the Meeting

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