Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Represented By
National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations (NFCAA)
[All India Civil Accounts Employees Association]
[All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category II]
Central Office: -                                                                               Address for Communication:-
16-A, Akbar Road Hutments,                                                                               17/2 – C, P & T Quarters,
New Delhi: - 110011                                                                                                   Kali Bari Marg,
                                                                                                                                New Delhi-110001
[All India Association of Pay and Accounts Officers (Civil)]
Central Headquarters: -                                                                  Address for Communication:-
2/10 Jamnagar House,                                                                                                      C/o Film Division,
New Delhi: - 110011                                                         Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
 Phase –I Building 4th Floor, 24, 
  Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg,
  Mumbai- 400026

No.COC/CA/2017/Corr- 5                                                                                              Dated: 14.05.2018

            Shri Anthony Lianzuala,
            Controller General of Accounts,
            Ministry of Finance,
            Department of Expenditure,
            4th Floor, GPOA, Block-E, INA,
            New Delhi – 110023

Subject: - Constitution of Cadre Review Committee to examine the individual proposals of the Ministries/Departments regarding Cadre Review of Group-B & ‘C’ Cadres – regarding.


            In endorsement of the letters No:- AICAEA/HQ/A-2/2018/152-155 dated 05.05.2018 of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association, No:- AICAEA Cat II/HQ/5-2/Cadre Review/2018-2019 dated 05.05.2018 of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category –II and No:- AIPAO©/CHQ/2018-19/Cad Re/1 dated 05.05.2018 of All India Association of Pay and Accounts Officer (Civil), we on behalf of entirety of the Group B&C Officers and employees would like to state that, the “Internal Cadre Review Committee” constituted vide OM No:- 32014/1/2014/MF.CGA/Group B/Cadre Review/911 dated 16th January 2018 had completed its three months term on 15th April 2018 and all the three major Associations named above have submitted the proposal for Cadre Review in an unified and under a rationalized approach within 20th April, 2018.

            However, your office vide OM No:- A-32014/2014/MF.CGA/Gr-B/Cadre Review/80 dated 19th April 2018 has extend the term of Internal Cadre Review Committee upto 15th August 2018.

            But, we are of the opinion that, one more month’s time for the Internal Cadre Review Committee from the date submission of proposals by the Associations is sufficient for submission of report by it and there is no need for extension of its term till 15th August 2018.

            We therefore, request you to direct the Internal Cadre Review Committee to submit its recommendations to your kind self within 31st May 2018 so that the first Cadre Review of the Group B&C Cadres is implemented without further delay as it has been delayed by more than thirty five years by now.

            Since our members have become totally restive, we request you to kindly take early favorable action so that the prevailing peace and tranquility in the organization continues.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Enclo:- as stated above.

(A.B.Sunilkumar)                                                 (Amol V. Sule)                                    (V.Bhattacharjee)
Joint Convener, COC and                               Secretary  General                    Joint Convener, COC and
Secretary General                                        All India Civil Accounts                          Secretary General
AllIndia Association of Pay                       Employees Association                All India Civil Accounts
and Accounts  Officers  (Civil)                            Category II                             Employees Association

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