Thursday, 5 June 2014

CHANGE OF DATE OF CWC TO 18-07-2014 AND 19-7-2014 INSTEAD OF 17-074-2014 AND 18-07-2014

(Recognised by Govt. of India)
Central Headquarter:2/10 Jamnagar House, New Delhi 110011
Address for communication: C/o. Regional Pay & Accounts Office, Ministry of Textile,
Prathistha Bhavan, 3rd floor, 101 M.K. Road, Mumbai – 400020
SECRETARY GENERAL:  A.B.SUNILKUMAR      PRESIDENT:  S.S. CHAUHAN                                                         M 09869253062                                                    M 09013207971

AIAPAO(C)/CHQ/2014-15/CWC                                                                            Dt.  05-06- 2014

Dear Friends/Comrades,

This is to inform that as per SMS received on 5-6-2014 from Com V. Bhattacharjee, the Convener , JAC of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organisatoins, the Convention shall be held on 19-07-2014 instead of 18-07-2014. He also expressed the regret for the inconvenience caused to all. 

It is there for rescheduled our CWC to 18-7-25014 and  19-07-2014 instead of 17-7-2014 and 18-7-2014. All the Branch Secretaries are requested to note the revised date of CWC and reach New Delhi on early morning of 18-7-2014   instead of 17-7-2014 so the the CWC can be held on 18-7-2014 followed by Joint Convention of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organisatoins on 19-07-2014. All the Station / State Branches and National Executive members may pleas note the change of date and reach New Delhi on 18-7-2014. The inconvenience caused is regretted.

                                                                                                       Yours fraternally

                                                                                                      Secretary General

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